As men get older their testosterone levels fall, which accelerates male aging. When the testosterone gets too low men feel tired, depressed, moody and grumpy. They have a sense of lost vitality – their get up and go is gone. They have reduced libido and reduced physical strength. They don’t think as clearly and don’t sleep as well. They develop sexual dysfunctions. This condition brought about by testosterone insufficiency is known as Andropause.
Testosterone replacement therapy will quickly and easily reverse these signs and symptoms of aging.
Testosterone is a potent anabolic, or bodybuilding, hormone, contributing widely to well being. It promotes vitality, activates libido, improves the mood, sharpens the mind, strengthens muscles, protects the blood vessels and builds bones. 
Testosterone replacement therapy will increase muscle mass and improve muscle strength. It will cause belly fat to be lost. It will lower cholesterol and triglycerides. It will decrease inflammation and improve blood sugar.
Testosterone replacement improves erectile function and powerfully stimulates sexual desire improving sexual function in the three critical domains of desire, arousability and orgasm intensity.
Testosterone also potentiates the kinesthetic pleasure of sexual intimacy. Testosterone, in other words, is a true aphrodisiac. Testosterone in men, importantly, protects the vascular system thereby lowering the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Testosterone also prevents the metabolic syndrome. The metabolic syndrome itself is a major risk variable for diabetes, heart attacks and strokes.
As is often the case, the myth that too much testosterone increases the risk of cardiovascular disease is found, upon scientific scrutiny, to be just the opposite. It is too little testosterone that promotes vascular degeneration in men! Another important myth needs to put to rest. Testosterone does not increase the risk of prostate cancer. There is absolutely no evidence to support this widely believed misconception. Many people wrongly fear testosterone on this basis. What is emerging in the literature is that low testosterone concentration in men increases the aggressiveness of prostate cancer.
Nor does testosterone cause urinary problems. What I have observed time and again, after years of clinical practice, is that testosterone therapy will actually improve urinary function in men and women. This is because it supports the muscles of the pelvic floor that are so crucial to normal urinary activity. 
Testosterone replacement therapy is an excellent treatment for all men struggling with signs and symptoms of low testosterone. If you are a man feeling like the zest and vitality you once had is missing, then give us a call today. I am sure we can help you.